Surdas nacque nel 1479 C.E.
Santo e poeta hindu del VXsc, cieco,
Surdas ebbe il darshan del Signore Krishna in un sogno, durante il quale gli chiese di andare a Vrindavan dove incontrò Shri Vallabhacharya ardente devoto di Krishna.
Dopo aver acquisito la conoscenza dei Sacri Testi, Surdas iniziò a cantare bhajan dedicati a Vrindavan ed a Krishna Fanciullo, bhajan raccolti nella monumentale opera del Sur Sagar e nel Saravali e Sahitya Lahiri. Sono bhajan semplici facili da cantare che narravano brevi episodi della vita di Krishna, e contenevano insegnamenti filosofici e lezioni morali.
Surdas era così immerso nella Bhakti che leggendo le sue poesie si comprende che doveva aver avuto conoscenza diretta dell'infanzia del Signore Krishna.
Lasciò il suo corpo nel 1586 C.E.
Gopal has slipped in and stolen my heart, friend.
He stole through my eyes and invaded my breast
simply by looking – who knows how he did it? –
Even though parents and husband and all
crowded the courtyard and filled my world.
The door was protected by all that was proper;
not a corner, nothing, was left without a guard.
Decency, prudence, respect for the family –
these three were locks and I hid the keys.
The sturdiest doors were my eyelid gates –
to enter through them was a passage impossible –
And secure in my heart, a mountainous treasure:
Insight, intelligence, fortitude, wit.
And then, says Sur, he had stolen it –
With a thought and a laugh and a look –
And my body was scorched with remorse.
(Source: Song of the Saints of India, Translated by J.S.Hawley and Mark Juergensmeyer.)
He stole through my eyes and invaded my breast
simply by looking – who knows how he did it? –
Even though parents and husband and all
crowded the courtyard and filled my world.
The door was protected by all that was proper;
not a corner, nothing, was left without a guard.
Decency, prudence, respect for the family –
these three were locks and I hid the keys.
The sturdiest doors were my eyelid gates –
to enter through them was a passage impossible –
And secure in my heart, a mountainous treasure:
Insight, intelligence, fortitude, wit.
And then, says Sur, he had stolen it –
With a thought and a laugh and a look –
And my body was scorched with remorse.
(Source: Song of the Saints of India, Translated by J.S.Hawley and Mark Juergensmeyer.)
Rathnai Kalpitham asanam, Himajalai snanam cha divyambaram, Naana rathna vibhooshitham mruga madha modhanvitham Chandanam, Jathi champaka bilwa pathra rachitham, pushpam cha doopam thathaa, Deepam deva dayanithe pasupathe, hrud kalpyatham gruhyatham. (Adi Sankaracharya, Shiva Manasa Puja)
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